
Back to School: Why can’t hearing aids be cool, too?

Written by Ear Gear | Oct 1, 2020 5:57:39 PM

Have you ever wondered how glasses have become so cool, but hearing aids just haven’t quite caught on yet? We believe it’s time to start thinking about hearing aids differently. So come along for the ride and let’s send our students back to school this year in style.

If you’ve ever walked in on a three-year-old painting the bedroom wall with lipstick, you probably found yourself repeating a well-worn phrase: “Kids will be kids.”


But as kids get older, that old standby starts losing its usefulness. Kids, like all people, are complicated, and they’re definitely not all alike. The lifelong qualities that make each child unique typically start to show up in elementary school. This is the time where kids start wanting to assert their individuality. Sports jerseys, cowboy boots, goth eyeliner—they’re all badges of sorts. These are ways for them to try on an identity without having to commit to it. 


And those signals of individuality can sometimes show up in unexpected forms: hats and bracelets, sure, but also backpacks, textbook covers, and medical devices. Braces have rubber bands that come in all kinds of fun color combinations. An arm cast doesn’t just keep a healing bone straight. It becomes a community art space, inviting signatures, messages and drawings, and just like that, something that could have been a source of social anxiety is transformed into a source of pride.


The colors and designs kids use to personalize their possessions are more than acts of creativity. They can be a step toward finding self-identity and gaining self-confidence, a small way to take ownership of something that wasn’t a choice, but a medical necessity. It’s as easy as adding a little fun!


At Ear Gear, we think it’s important to let your child express what makes them unique. We know that that uniqueness goes far, far beyond a hearing aid. But that doesn’t mean a hearing aid is an obstacle to expressing that inner self. In fact, we believe the exact opposite. So, how do you make your child’s hearing aid cool? Glad you asked.


Most hearing aids try to be discreet. We want to ask: Why hide something that doesn’t need to be hidden? Something that could be fun and exciting? Braces aren’t concealed, they’re shown off. We think children with hearing aids should be offered the same opportunity.


Whether your child wants their school’s team colors or the color of their favorite superhero, Ear Gear has a huge selection of options for any sized hearing aid. Choose from our standard colors - beige, chocolate brown, grey, black, lipstick pink, royal blue, camouflage and orange-red - or customize your Ear Gear yourself to fit any preference.



Whether your child is learning through Zoom or getting back into the classroom, make sure you send your kid back to school in style with Ear Gear!