
Ear Gear - Not Just for Summer!

If you wear hearing instruments of any kind, you've probably worn Ear Gear to places like the beach, golf course, hiking and biking trails plus many other places to enjoy the warm weather. Ear Gear's spandex blend material helps wick moisture away from the hearing device, preventing short circuits and corrosion. It also helps keep them safe from loss if you choose our Ear Gear corded models with their stretchy cord and durable locking clip that attaches to clothing. Even wind noise is dramatically reduced with Ear Gear to make activities like biking or driving in a convertible car much more fun.

How Ear Gear Helps Hearing Instrument Wearers During Winter Sports

One of the misconceptions about Ear Gear is that it's essentially only for hot summer weather, but Ear Gear has a number of benefits for hearing aids in the winter. There are a host of winter sports where hearing instruments can be at risk of being damaged by moisture and quite possibly lost. Here are examples of how Ear Gear can protect your hearing aids while enjoying winter sports: Hearing Aids and Skiing When going down the mountain at a high speed, hearing instruments can easily become lost as they fall off the ear. Ear Gear corded models prevent hearing aid loss. You might think that wearing a helmet will prevent hearing instruments from falling off, but when taking off or adjusting the helmet the device can come off the ear and fall into the deep snow. Ever tried finding a hearing aid on a ski hill? It's very difficult, if not impossible!

Wear Hearing Aids at the Gym, Worry-Free!

It's a frequently asked question, "Should I wear hearing aids while at the gym?”

5 Things Athletes Need to Know About Protecting their Hearing Instruments

Every athlete faces their own difficulties to overcome if they are going to be the best in their chosen sport. For those who are deaf or hard of hearing, these difficulties often increase, from losing a split second at the start of a race through not hearing the starting gun to not catching the football coach's full instructions. However, as Curtis Pride (former MLB outfielder and current coach of Gallaudet University’s baseball team), Marcus Titus (swimmer on the US National Team), and Derrick Coleman (NFL fullback for the Seattle Seahawks) have proven, these are hurdles that can be overcome with a little knowledge and support.