
Ear Gear: Not Only A Fashionable Twist to Wearing Hearing Aids

Discover how adding Ear Gear can change and enhance the look and feel of your hearing aids while providing protection and boosting your confidence and style.

Ear Gear and Implant Processors

Ear Gear is a spandex sleeve, that protects hearing devices including different types of processors used with hearing assisted implants. They protect these devices from sweat, dirt, moisture, loss and wind, while not sacrificing sound quality. As a bonus, Ear Gear not only protects your processors but makes wearing your device more comfortable. Visit our website to learn more

Game Changer: Protecting Hearing Aids in Team Sports

Discover how Ear Gear revolutionizes the protection of hearing aids during sports activities, ensuring a worry-free and optimal performance. Learn about the importance of keeping hearing devices safe from sweat, dirt, moisture, and accidental damage, and how Ear Gear provides the ultimate solution for athletes with hearing aids.

Protecting Your Hearing Device at Home & On-the-Go

For those who rely on hearing aids, the upkeep and maintenance of these devices can be a relentless task. However, it is essential to ensure that these vital pieces of equipment are kept in optimum working order. Fortunately, there are products available to make this task much easier and efficient. The perfect combo for your hearing device is Ear Gear and hearing aid dryers. This powerful duo ensures that whether you're home at rest or on the go, your hearing device is well taken care of.

Ensuring Safe Trick or Treating: The Importance of Ear Gear for Kids with Hearing Aids

Discover how wearing Ear Gear can ensure a safe and enjoyable trick or treating experience for children with hearing aids.


Are you looking for high-quality, affordable, and secure protection and security for your hearing devices? If yes, then look no further. Welcome to the world of Ear Gear! We are a leading provider of top-notch hearing device accessories, and we are committed to ensuring that our customers get the very best. Here's why you should choose Ear Gear.

Back-to-school tips for children with hearing aids

When it comes to back-to-school supplies, pencils, folders and notebooks usually top the list for parents.

Back to School: Why can’t hearing aids be cool, too?

Have you ever wondered how glasses have become so cool, but hearing aids just haven’t quite caught on yet? We believe it’s time to start thinking about hearing aids differently. So come along for the ride and let’s send our students back to school this year in style.

Teaching a student with hearing loss during Covid-19? Here's what you need to know

The 2020 school year is about to start, and it’s an unusual year to say the very least. The coronavirus pandemic is sweeping through the world and schools are deciding how and whether to teach in person. We thought it would be good to revisit some tips for teaching a student with hearing loss.

Hearing Aids and Children: Should your kids wear their hearing aids all day?

There are some very big challenges that come with hearing aids and children. One of the major questions is “How long should I have my child wear their hearing device each day?” Many children, especially young children, don’t connect the dots between wearing their hearing device and being able to hear better. They may not like wearing them, which may cause some tension in your house if you want them to wear their hearing aids all day.