
The Awesome Benefits of Hearing Aid Clips for Glasses You Haven’t Thought About

You just purchased your brand new hearing aids. They look great. Your audiologist carefully explained how to care for them, how to keep them safe from the family dog and since you wear eyeglasses, mentioned hearing aid clips for glasses. You brought them home without the hearing aid clips for glasses because you thought maybe you should get used to them before purchasing any accessories.

How to Prevent Hearing Aid Loss in the Nursing Home

When our loved ones reach the point in their lives where a nursing home is needed, it can bring numerous concerns. We hope that their nutrition is being looked after, safety is the toppriority, and that every one of their needs is being acknowledged including maintenance of hearing aids, making sure that they're worn every day and don't get lost.

5 Challenges Facing Seniors with Hearing Aids

There’s no sugarcoating the issue: Americans are getting old. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that people age 65 or older made up nearly 15 percent of the population in 2014, and in Canada, people 65 and older outnumbered those 15 and under in 2015. As an audiologist or as someone in the hearing instrument profession, it may be apparent to you that seniors represent (or can represent) a growing portion of your client base. Being aware of common challenges they face with hearing aids helps you better serve them, so let’s look at some of these issues.

The Top 4 Hearing Aid Issues and How to Prevent or Solve Them

Hearing instruments are delicate electronic devices that can do amazing things using revolutionary technology. As with any technology, hearing instrument users can experience some frustration in trying to keep devices comfortable, maintained, and reliable. Fortunately, many of the problems and issues common to hearing aid users can be prevented or solved with a little patience and the right tools including hearing aid clips.