Customer Story: Dalton Jones
I am writing this on behalf of my six year old son, Dalton, who has worn hearing aids since he was four. We are a very active family in Alaska, and do everything from four wheeling to snow-machining to boating and everything in between. Dalton is a typical little boy and will go play in the dirt any chance he can get. Through all of this he has always had his hearing aids on and his Ear Gear has assured me that his hearing aids are securely tethered to his shirt and keeping his hearing aids clean. After a 50 mile four wheeler trip, dust gets everywhere except in the microphones of Dalton’s hearing aids. After a recent check up with the audiologist, she assured me that Dalton’s hearing aids are in excellent shape thanks to Ear Gear! Ear Gear keeps Dalton on the go and allows him to explore all of Alaska’s backwoods without worry. It’s the best investment for hearing aids. Dalton Jones, AK, USA Hearing Professional: Northern hearing - Product worn: Ear Gear Mini